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Oakham School Archives

Explore the history of the school through the documents and objects that have been left behind...



The annual trip to Launde Abbey is a rite of passage for all IB students at the beginning of their studies. The first trip was in 2002 where students experienced a day and a half of activities.

Each year, activities are designed to help the cohort get to know one another, encourage teamwork and leadership, and finally to set the creative juices flowing. Some of the fun tasks set have been identifying different flavours of cola, watching French films, salsa lessons, and going to the theatre.

There is a theme for each year which focuses on a topic within the Theory of Knowledge section of the course. Previous topics include: What is art? Who am I? Who are we? Who are they? What’s out there?

This retreat helps to lay down the key attributes that head of IB, Simona Lorenz-Weir (2005—Present), highlighted were the strengths of the programme: thinking and working independently, be team players, and having excellent communication and presentation skills.
