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Extended Essay (IB): Supervisor resources

To guide IB students through the Extended Essay process.


The EE supervisor has a critical role in supporting the student. This role is described in detail in the IB EE Guide (link below right). Hopefully supervisors will find the whole of this LibGuide useful in supporting their students, but this section is particularly for resources that are aimed at supporting supervisors.

If there is anything you think your students would benefit from that we can add to the guide, please contact Lucy Breag (LRB) in the Library.

The box below is mirrored from the Choosing a Subject and Topic tab:

Subject Specific Guidance

Use the links below to explore the Subject-Specific Guidance for your chosen subject. Note that it is very important to use the side navigation menu to make sure you have read ALL the relevant guidance (see example for Biology, below).

You MUST read the subject-specific guidance before completing your Supervisor Application Form, and reread it before completing your Research Proposal Log. You might find it helpful to take notes using the Using the Subject-Specific Guidelines table.

Electronic versions of these can be found at the top right hand side of this page (follow links). If you wish to submit your handwritten version to ManageBac, you may upload a (legible!) photograph.

Graphic organisers we recommend to students

None of these resources are compulsory, assessed IB resources. They are merely intended to support students through the process. The only assessed items from an IB perspective are the Reflections on Planning and Progress Form (which can be found on ManageBac) and the essay itself.

As a school, we make the Supervisor Application Form and Research Proposal Form compulsory in order to get the process off to a strong start. All other resources are optional (but highly recommended).

Resources students (could) use during the initial stages of their Extended Essay

Resources that are particularly useful for the Investigation Days and beyond

Resources that are particularly useful for the Writing Days

Guides to support you and your students

IB EE Guides for supervisors

The box below is mirrored from the student "Expressing your ideas" tab on this guide:

Examples of EEs with mark schemes

Sample EEs in German Language and Literature A (not provided on site above)

NOTE: These were all written before the 2018 rule changes so contain structural features such as abstracts, which should no longer be used. The mark scheme has also changed substantially, so be careful how you use these.

Notice for Mac users

Important notice for Mac users using Safari:
If you are having any problems accessing the embedded videos, this is probably because you have "Prevent cross-site tracking" switched on, which is the default option in Safari. You have two choices. You can either turn this setting off and refresh your browser screen (at which point the videos should allow you to sign in and should work) or you can use a different browser.
There are instructions below for turning off "Prevent cross-site tracking" in Safari. If you want to use a different browser, I use Firefox (available free here), but there are many other choices available.

Normal term-time Library opening hours:
Mon-Fri: 08:30-21:15
Sat: 08:00-16:00
Sun: 14:00-18:00 (Summer Term only)